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Privacy Policy

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This Privacy Policy (hereinafter “Policy”) represents a public agreement between Hill Marketing and the Customer, concluded in accordance with Article 387 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is based on the current Law “On Personal Data and Their Protection” in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This Privacy Policy regulates what data we collect about you, how we use your data, and what rights you have in connection with your data provided to us when using (hereinafter “Site”).

This Policy includes the following:

  • What data about you (hereinafter “personal data” or “data”) is collected when using the Site;
  • For what purposes and on what legal grounds this data is collected;
  • With which recipients this data will be exchanged;
  • How long this data will be stored;
  • What rights you have regarding the processing of your data.

This Policy may be amended, supplemented, or corrected for a number of reasons, including changes in current legislation, changes in our business, and for any other reasons that we consider necessary. If you are a registered user, we will notify you by sending a notification to the email address used for registration on the Site. If you do not have an account on the Site and/or we do not have your email address to contact you regarding the revised version of this Policy, you are responsible for reviewing it every time you access the Site. Your further use of the Site will be deemed as your consent to the revised Policy.

What data do we collect about you?

When you use our website services through Google, the following information is automatically collected:

a) Data collected by Google Analytics:

  • The total time you spend on the website;
  • The time you spend on each page and the order in which you visited them;
  • Which internal links were clicked (based on the URL of the next page);
  • Your IP address and user agent string;
  • The initial pageview that analytics.js executes when creating a new tracker object, which is used to determine your geographic location, what browser and operating system you are using, the size of your device screen, whether Flash or Java is installed, and the website you came from.

Information collected by Google Analytics is generated on Google servers in the US and stored there. If you do not want your data to be collected and used by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on by following this link:

b) Data collected by Google reCAPTCHA. When using Google reCAPTCHA, Google collects data about your inputs to distinguish whether the input is made by a human or a robot.

c) Data collected by Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager is a tool created by Google that allows us to integrate and manage tags on the website. Google Tag Manager collects aggregated data on tag firing.

We also use services provided by Cloudflare. Cloudflare collects the following information:

  • Your IP address;
  • Information about system configuration;
  • Other information about website traffic to and from the website.

If you want to learn more about how Google and Cloudflare process your data, please read the Google Privacy Policy at and the Cloudflare Privacy Policy at

Data voluntarily provided by you

When you use our Website and Services, you may voluntarily provide us with your data:

a) Contact information. When you contact us through the Website interface or available contact information, you provide us with the following data:

  • Your name;
  • Your email address;
  • Your phone number;
  • The subject of your message;
  • Your message, which may also contain your personal data.

b) Account data. When you create and use an account on the Website, you provide us with the following data:

  • Your name;
  • Your username;
  • Your email address;
  • Your password (in encrypted form);
  • Personal data that you provide in your account.

c) Payment data. When you make payments for the Website services, we process data about your payments. This information includes, but is not limited to:

  • Information about the payer;
  • Information about the payment instrument used;
  • Information about transactions for the Company’s services (including all data necessary to identify transactions).

Purposes and legal bases for collecting your personal data:

a) Website administration and convenience. We use automatically collected data for the following purposes:

  • Website administration;
  • Protection of the website from DDoS attacks and other cyberattacks;
  • Protection of the website from any illegal activities, fraud, and abuses;
  • Diagnosing problems with the website and server it operates on;
  • Providing a website tailored to your device, language, and selected settings;
  • Balancing the load on the server that the website operates on.

b) Conducting research and analysis. We use your contact information, automatically collected data, and data from your account for the following purposes:

  • Conducting research and analysis on how users and visitors use the website, and developing and improving the website based on this information;
  • Conducting so-called “A/B tests” (for more information on A/B testing, please follow the link;
  • Testing new features on the website.

c) Creating an account on the website and providing you with Company services. We use your account data to create your account on the website and provide you with Company services. Additionally, we use your payment data to ensure that you have paid for the Company services.

d) Processing your payments. We use your payment data to process your payments.

e) Communicating with you. We use your contact information to communicate with you when necessary.

f) Compliance with applicable laws. We may use your data to comply with legal obligations that the Company is required to follow.

Processing children’s data

The website is not intended for individuals under the age of 18, and we consciously do not process data of individuals under the age of 14. If you are a parent or legal guardian and have discovered that your child has used our website, please contact us through any available means of communication, and the Company will take appropriate action.

Storage period for your data

a) For automatically collected data: for twenty-six (26) months from the date of your last visit to the Website.

b) For contact data (if you have not entered into any business relationship with us): for as long as necessary for the specific purpose of communication.

c) If you have used our Services: your data will be stored for 6 (six) years from the date of your last visit to the Website or from the date you closed your account on the Website (statute of limitations for legal claims).

Rights of Customers

As a data subject, you have several rights that you can exercise by contacting us via email at

These rights include:

  • Requesting information about your personal data used by the User of information;
  • Demanding clarification or correction of your personal data if they are incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate;
  • Withdrawing your consent to the collection, processing, and transmission of personal data;
  • Protecting your rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for damages and compensation for moral harm through the court;
  • Challenging the actions or inactions of the User of information to the authorized body for consumer protection rights or through the court;
  • The customer may contact the User of information in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to exercise their rights and legitimate interests.

Final provisions

a) All relations between the Client and the Information User are governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Any issues not regulated by the Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

b) The Agreement is a public offer, as defined in paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Acceptance of the Agreement’s terms by the Client on the Website constitutes an unconditional acceptance of the Agreement (in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). The Client is not released from liability for non-compliance with the Agreement’s terms, even if they are not familiar with its provisions.

c) The Information User has the right to change and/or supplement the Agreement at its discretion at any time without notifying the Client. The current version of the Agreement is available on the Website.

d) The Client may withdraw their consent to the collection, processing, and transmission of their personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent must be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data and their protection through a state service, non-state service, or other means that allow the fact of consent withdrawal to be confirmed.

e) This Agreement enters into force from the moment the Client accepts the terms set forth in paragraph (b) of the Agreement and remains in effect until the Client deletes their account.

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